Yesterday I attended and participated in the Border Crossers Training on Talking About Race in the Classroom. It was a powerful training and I am excited to share with the Racial Equity Committee in Fort Worth ISD as we move forward as a District in supporting the success of ALL Fort Worth ISD students and ensuring all students are prepared for College, Career, and Community Leadership.
One quote in particular resonated with me and I wanted to share:
"When those who have power to name and to socially construct reality choose not to see you or hear you, whether you are dark-skinned, old, disabled, female, or speak with a different accent or dialect than theirs, when someone with the authority of a teacher, say, describes the world and you are not in it, there is a moment of psychic disequilibrium, as if you looked in to a mirror and saw nothing. Yet you know you exist and others like you, that this is a game with mirrors. It takes some strength of soul—and not just individual strength, but collective understanding—to resist this void, this nonbeing, into which you are thrust, and to stand up, demanding to be seen and heard."
-Adrienne Rich, "Invisibility in Academe"
Here is a link to Border Crossers if you are interested in learning more. Here are two articles we read for the training as well as a link to a video.
Thank you, Cissy
#DisruptRacism #TalkingRace @bordercrossers